old faithful...

Saturday, April 14, 2007

while this post isn't about clocks...it did start out with the clock i loved to life (i really did. it was dead. didn't work. but i loved it. and three months later, started randomly working. very odd.). it's been about a year since i needed to set my alarm for obvious reasons, but this morning it was set to go off at 5:55am. a sick time if you ask me...but you didn't:).

this morning was the ms walk...with starbuck's being one of the sponsers - so that meant that tony was involved, which meant lyla and i got join in and conquer our 3 mile walk earlier than normal.

this should have been my first clue that the morning wouldn't turn out quite as i expected:

needless to say, we didn't get to stay as long as i had wanted to - but after 5 offers of jackets to a pregnant woman who kept refusing in a down pour, tony's boss finally convinced him to talk some sense into me and send us home. but here are some pictures of our time there before the walk.
tony is pointing out himself on the shirt...i guess he's the guy in the red:).sami...this one's for you! i am definitely sticking out my tummy here:).lyla thought she would get extra practice in yesterday...three miles is a long way for little legs!.