being calm...

Thursday, May 24, 2007


on my way home from the pharmacy last night, i randomly ran into 2 people i had known years ago. 1 i had gone to college with, 1 i had worked with. oddly enough, they are dating. totally different topic. anyways. i jumped out of the car and gave the girl a huge hug and we all started talking. and then the "he" of the couple turns to me and in complete seriousness says "you're a lot calmer then you were."


i don't feel calmer.

sometimes i feel as though i'm stuck in all the same ruts i've been stuck in for the last 10 years.
and what exactly does calmer mean?

does it mean i'm no longer fun?

am i really a 50 year old living in a 27 year old body?

am i too serious?

can one not be fun and tall?

suddenly i feel i must prove him wrong...but then...what did my un-calmness look like?

was it scary?

was it horrid?

how can one word from someone who knew me 7 years ago throw me into such a huge dither?

the "he" obviously didn't know what he was talking about because he hasn't read this post...