but there should be another category. 8 years. october 3, 2000 was the day that tony and i came to an understanding. an understanding that we would wait. we would wait to put a label on our relationship - we would focus on a friendship first. we would wait to hold hands until my *man fast* was over that christmas. we would wait to kiss until our wedding.
and there were moments that i naively thought that marriage would mean a blissful ever after. yes, there has been blissful moments, but there have been hard moments too. moments where i have needed to grow, heal, change - but i haven't done it alone. as i've grown, healed and changed, our marriage has too.
i've been so blessed to watch tony become the man that God created him to be - and i've felt so safe as tony has watched the woman that i was created to be, emerge.
11 years ago, i saw tony for the first time. 8 years ago, my voice trembled as we talked over doughnuts and coffee. 7 years ago, i pledged my life to his. 1 minute ago, i looked into his eyes and told him i loved him all over again.
looks like we're making it.