had my 32 week check up this morning...everything is looking good so far. i might be anemic, but that will be confirmed tonight. other than that, livie sounded happy and lyla is extremely compassionate: i think she thought i was getting a needle and kept trying to push the blood pressure cuff away, and when she couldn't she plunked herself down in my lap and cried. sweet baby girl.

so, here is me in all my pregnant glory at 32 weeks. i proudly wore the polka dots, even though i feel like one huge one:).
and before anyone can point it out...my walls
are slightly on the lavender side. i'll admit, i've only ever painted with white before, so the paint chip i picked, which looked a gorgeous shade of taupe in every light i held it in, came out as anything but in our north/south facing house. but i've fallen in love with it, so you should too:).