...this past weekend was my neice madeline's birthday party. it was also the first time that all 8 baker cousin's were in the same place at the same time, so needless to say, it was a big event:). it was wonderful being with family and enjoy some long overdue visits. i know i say this often, but i was reminded again of how thankful i am to have married into such an amazing, loud, fun, loving family.
yes, my two girl's are the ones crying...livie was hungry and lyla just wanted her daddy. but there are all eight cousins and 3 of the 6 siblings.
(l tor sarah, andrea, stuart, livie, steven, jonathan, becky, madeline with james in the front and tony and lyla in the back)

lyla also got to experience her first time jumping in one of those jumping inflatable cage thingies. the whole time she kept yelling "jump! jump! jump!" and "daddy!" and "hi!" and "jump! jump! jump!" i had so much fun with her and loved seeing the look of utter and sheer delight on her sweet face as she bounced to her hearts content. i seriously thought my heart couldn't get anymore full, but then my sister-in-law sent me these pictures and my heart's nearly bursting. i am so in love with my little family. this is truly what i was made to be...