pre-pumpkin patching...

Friday, October 26, 2007

today we were supposed to meet some friends of ours to go pumpkin patching. for one reason or another it didn't work out and the big event should happen tomorrow.

but, my ever observant husband noticed how disappointed i was and surprised me by coming home a bit earlier then he had said and loaded us all up in the car (with a yummy drink ready for me:).) and headed out to one of the local farms in the area. so here is our pre-pumpkin patching adventure:

tony and lyla discovering how tall they both are

lions and tigers and bears...and pumpkins?
oh my!!

the amazing goat balcony. an odd feature here at the pumpkin patch... lyla pretending to be a hog...
lyla grabbing hold of the chance to be independent...once again! me and my girls...and a random pumpkin that we didn't buy.
tony, lyla, sally and linus sitting in hopes of seeing "the great pumpkin"! as you can see, tony is much more frightened then any of the others...good thing he has his thumb:).

me and my handsome man. i'm so in love with him!!ready to head home!

so there is the ppp adventure - tomorrow should be a lot more crowded, but i'm super excited to get some pumpkins!!!

i love autumn!! have i mentioned that yet? yay for autumn!!!