tonight as i was laying on the floor talking to livie, lyla made herself at home on top of me and proceeded to read her book and point at every letter in every word. she must really believe the saying that moms have eyes in the back of their heads. i won't burst her bubble yet if you won't...
lyla is also into the "copying" phase. this has to be the most fun phase so far! i love it! hearing her try to master phrases like "i miss you" or "thank you" crack me up! tonight tony and lyla were sitting on the couch together eating cheese. tony broke off a piece of his, held it up to his nose and said "cheese" while smelling it. of course, adoring her daddy like she does, lyla had to do the same. the thing is, lyla now thinks that she needs to hold her finger up to her nose everytime she asks for a piece of cheese...
today we got our first parcel full of christmas gifts (thank you nana and papa!!). and yet another lesson in patience and the words "no touch!" it just doesn't seem fair that lyla gets to have her presents out and tony won't put mine out until the'd think he doesn't trust me to not touch them or something...