maybe it was...

Monday, November 22, 2010

the whisper of hope that threaded its way through the statement...

Too often I miss Him, oblivious, blind. I don’t see all the good things that He is giving me, gracing me with, brushing my life with. True, He is everywhere, always. But maybe, before The Gift List, I thought of Him as further off, not so close. When I started to see all the things that I love bestowed upon me, I started to see Him as near, present, everywhere, showering me with good things. Seeing the things I love all around me gives me eyes to see that I am loved, that He loves me.

but something in me stirred.

and i realized, i don't thank Him enough.  and maybe, even if i thanked Him more, my circumstances won't change, my grief will be as poignant, i may still fall and fail and grasp about for balance, but...

i may change.


so i begin my own list...

#1 the christmas tree standing in the corner.  unadorned...but standing.

#2 hands clasped in the early morning as the clock creeps closer to 2am, whispering with faces close together of our hopes...of our future.

#3 for soft purple chairs and hot lavender tea.

#4 for a dear friend who listens and shares and no shame in crying together...

#5 for the hug and the tissue and the roses all lovingly given by one who knows the pain of loss.

#6 for new neighbours and dear friends...

#7 for giggles that accompany repeated requests for hot chocolate.

#8 for the tight baby boy grip around my neck when i walk in the door.

#9 for the sting of the wind as i walk in -20C weather.

#10 for the unexpected meeting that led to an open door and an ear that hears and prays...

#11 for the girl who willingly jumps in on monday mornings to watch my small ones so i can find healing...

and my heart feels lighter.  my praise seems louder...and He is near.

holy experience