it's in my hands...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

tony wrapped me in his arms before he left for work this afternoon. 

he held me as i wept tears of exhaustion, grief, brokenness and the feelings of being overwhelmed.

and as i felt like i was going to break in two from the pain that these tears were releasing, i felt something soft being pressed into my hands.

"mama?  you can have my blankie.  you can hold it and hug it."

i sank down onto the shoe box by our door and allowed lyla to make sure that i was firmly gripping her precious gift in my hands.

i reached up to brush away my tears with my fingers when she stopped me, "no mama, use the blankie...the blankie will hold your tears."

i know that the psalmist said that God has "...kept count of my tossings; put my tears in {His} bottle..." psalm 56:8; but today, of all days and in the all the ways He could have shown me how true His promise is, He used a soft, pink, fluffy cloud of a blanket to touch my face and remind me that i am Him